Sleveran is a vast and diverse continent, segmented into four distinct territories: Golis, Sia, Kada, and Vresas. Each territory has its unique characteristics, inhabitants, and conflicts, contributing to the continent's rich and intricate tapestry of life and lore.

King Jaya's palace in Ivern.




King Jaya's palace in Ivern.

The heart of Sleveran, a central territory that blends the supernatural with the mundane. It is a melting pot of races and cultures, with humans living alongside an array of supernatural beings, creating a vibrant yet volatile environment.It's capital city, Ivern, is a sprawling metropolis known for the Ivern Wizarding Academy (IWA), a prestigious institution where aspiring wizards from all over Sleveran come to study.The city is home to King Jaya, who resides in a fortified palace surrounded by a formidable military force. Royal mages, typically of the Elven race, or "Magisters", serve the King with defensive and offensive service.The streets of Ivern and the broader stretches of Vresas are haunted by vampires and other monstrous creatures that emerge after dark. These creatures add a layer of danger to the territory.


King Jaya's palace in Ivern.

Dominated by dense woodlands, a verdant expanse teeming with life and strife. The forests of Golis are home to orcs and woodland elves, two races that have been locked in a bitter war for centuries. The prolonged conflict has left much of Golis uncivilized, with battle-scarred landscapes and ruins of ancient settlements. Despite the ongoing war, orc vilages dot the territory, their societies built around clan loyalty and strength.Woodland elves live in hidden enclaves within the trees, utilizing their deep connection to nature to defend their homes and territory.The constant warfare has shaped the culture and lifestyle both orcs and elves, creating a rugged, resilient population.


Kada is a land of towering mountain ranges and a dormant volcano that looms large in its history and landscape. The territory is famous for its dragons, majestic and fearsome creatures that nest in the high peaks. The volcanic area, once the cradle of the fire-magic-wielding Kadeans, now stands as a somber reminder of the cataclysm that wiped out this ancient race of elves a millennium ago. The remnants of Kadean civilization can still be found in the form of ruins and ancient artifacts, drawing historians and adventurers alike. The dragons of Kada are a powerful and respected presence, influencing the culture and politics of the region. The rugged terrain and the presence of dragons make Kada a challenging but rewarding place to explore.


Sia is a coastal territory renowned for its mystical ambiance and vibrant maritime activities. The coastline is dotted with bustling ports, the most notable being the main sea port that acts as a hub for trade and cultural exchange. Sia's shores and waters are inhabited by an array of magical creatures, making it a hotspot for druids and other practitioners of natural magic. These druids come to study and harness the unique magical energies that permeate the region. Sia's economy thrives on seafood and other marine goods, with its traders known far and wide for their wares. The coastal cities of Sia are lively and diverse, with influences from both the sea and the mystical creatures that reside there.

Governance and Security

The borders of the four territories are patrolled by Iverian soldiers from the palace, ensuring the security and regulation of immigration, trade, and travel. This centralized control helps maintain a semblance of order across the diverse and often turbulent regions of Sleveran. The soldiers are trained to handle the unique challenges posed by each territory, from the warring clans of Golis to the magical creatures of Sia, the dragons of Kada, and the supernatural denizens of Vresas.


The continent of Sleveran is ruled by a centralized monarchy under the leadership of King Jaya, who resides in the grand palace within the bustling city of Ivern. The governance structure of Sleveran is a complex interplay of royal authority, territorial autonomy, and magical oversight.The Royal Court:
At the heart of the government is the royal court, composed of advisors, ministers, and representatives from the four territories: Golis, Sia, Kada, and Vresas. This body assists King Jaya in making decisions on matters of state, including foreign policy, trade agreements, and magical regulations.
Territorial Councils:
Each of the four territories has its own council, which manages local affairs and reports to the royal court. These councils are led by prominent local figures, such as chieftains in Golis, merchant lords in Sia, dragon tamers in Kada, and noble families in Vresas. They ensure that the unique needs and traditions of each territory are respected while maintaining allegiance to the crown.
Magical Oversight:
Magic plays a significant role in governance. The Arcane Assembly, a body of powerful wizards and magisters, advises on magical laws and ensures the ethical use of magic across the continent. This assembly works closely with the Ivern Wizarding Academy (IWA) to regulate the training and activities of wizards.


Maintaining security across the diverse and often volatile territories of Sleveran is a formidable task, requiring a multifaceted approach that combines military might, magical defenses, and strategic diplomacy.Iverian Soldiers:
The backbone of Sleveran's security is the Iverian soldiers, elite troops trained to defend the borders and maintain internal peace. Stationed at strategic points along territorial borders, they enforce immigration control, monitor trade routes, and respond to threats.
Royal Guard:
The Royal Guard is a specialized unit tasked with protecting King Jaya and the palace. These soldiers are highly skilled in both combat and the use of magical artifacts, ensuring the king's safety against both physical and magical threats.
Verdant Magisters:
Within the palace and key locations, Verdant Magisters like Everyn Silverstone provide an additional layer of magical defense. Their responsibilities include warding important sites, advising on magical threats, and training apprentices in protective magic.
Territorial Militias:
Each territory maintains its own militia, adapted to local threats. In Golis, elven rangers and orc warriors patrol the forests, while in Sia, seafaring defenders protect coastal towns. Kada's mountainous regions are safeguarded by dragon riders and hardy mountaineers, and Vresas relies on its mix of human and supernatural guardians to maintain order.
To counteract the threat of dark wizards and rogue magic users, the Sentinels—a group of highly trained wizards and warriors—operate throughout Sleveran. Their mission is to track down and neutralize any magical threats, ensuring that dark magic does not undermine the stability of the realm.
Diplomatic Relations:
Diplomacy also plays a crucial role in Sleveran's security. Alliances with neighboring lands and peace treaties between warring factions, such as the orcs and elves in Golis, are continually negotiated to prevent conflicts from escalating. Although, elves and orcs of Golis continue to have disagreements.

Mystical Magic and Religion in Sleveran

Sleveran is a land where magic is interwoven with the very fabric of existence, shaping cultures, societies, and the natural environment. Each territory has its unique magical traditions and religious practices, reflecting the diverse inhabitants and their connection to the mystical forces of the world.

Mystical Magic

Magic is deeply connected to nature. The woodland elves are adept at druidic magic, drawing power from the trees, plants, and animals around them. Their spells often involve communicating with flora and fauna, healing wounds with herbal remedies, and manipulating natural elements to protect their forest homes.
Elven magic is subtle and harmonious, focusing on balance and preservation.
The orcs, on the other hand, practice a more primal form of shamanistic magic. Their shamans can call upon the spirits of their ancestors and the natural world to aid them in battle, cast powerful curses, and invoke elemental forces. Orcish magic is raw and forceful, often reflecting the strength and ferocity of their culture.

Sia is a haven for druids and those who seek to harness the power of the sea and the creatures that dwell within it. The druids here study the ebb and flow of tides, the mysteries of marine life, and the weather patterns influenced by the ocean. Their magic can summon water elementals, control weather, and communicate with aquatic beings.
Magical creatures in Sia, such as merfolk and sea serpents, possess inherent magical abilities. Merfolk can manipulate water currents and create illusions, while sea serpents are known for their mastery over storms and lightning. The interplay between these magical beings and the human and elven druids creates a rich tapestry of mystical practice focused on the sea.

Kada's magic is dominated by the presence of dragons and the remnants of the ancient Kadean fire mages. Dragons possess an innate magical prowess, with abilities that include flight, breath weapons (fire, ice, acid, etc.), and powerful magical auras. Some dragons are also skilled in sorcery, casting spells of immense power.
The legacy of the Kadeans lives on in the form of ancient fire magic artifacts and hidden knowledge. Adventurers and scholars seek out these relics to harness the potent fire spells that once defined the Kadean civilization. The volcanic energy of Kada adds another layer to the magical landscape, with some mages learning to tap into this geothermal power for their spells.

Vresas is a melting pot of magical practices due to its diverse population. The Ivern Wizarding Academy (IWA) is a renowned center for arcane studies, where wizards and witches learn various schools of magic, from elemental manipulation to necromancy and illusion.
Vampires and other supernatural creatures bring their own forms of dark magic to the territory. Vampires, for instance, have abilities tied to blood magic, shadow manipulation, and mind control.
Werewolves might exhibit transformation magic and heightened senses.


The Old GodsThroughout Sleveran, the worship of the Old Gods remains prevalent. These deities are ancient, representing fundamental aspects of the world, such as nature, the elements, life, and death. Temples and shrines dedicated to the Old Gods can be found in every territory, often in remote or sacred locations.

- Sylvara, Goddess of Nature: Revered by elves and druids, Sylvara embodies the spirit of the natural world. Her followers engage in rituals that honor the cycles of life and death, and they seek her blessing for bountiful harvests and healthy ecosystems.- Tharos, God of War: Worshipped by orcs and warriors, Tharos is the embodiment of strength, courage, and honor in battle. His altars are places where warriors make offerings before going to war, seeking his favor and protection.- Nerith, God of the Sea: A deity central to the people of Sia, Nerith governs the ocean and its creatures. Sailors, fishermen, and druids offer prayers and sacrifices to ensure safe voyages and plentiful catches.- Ignar, God of Fire: Once the patron of the Kadean fire mages, Ignar's worship persists among those who study fire magic. His followers revere him through rituals involving fire and heat, often seeking his power for protection and destruction.

The New Faith
In Vresas, particularly in Ivern, a new monotheistic religion is gaining prominence. This faith centers around a singular, all-powerful deity known as Astra, the Lightbringer. Astra's followers believe in a doctrine of order, purity, and enlightenment. The religion is hierarchical, with priests and paladins who serve as both spiritual and martial leaders. Temples of Astra are grand structures, often built in the heart of cities, and are centers of learning and governance.
Astra, the Lightbringer:
Representing order and purity, Astra is depicted as a beacon of light against the darkness. Followers of Astra engage in rituals that promote community, justice, and the eradication of evil. Paladins of Astra are known for their relentless pursuit of vampires and other dark creatures, seeing them as abominations against the light.

Lore Characters

Everyn Silverstone

Age: 165Species: ElfClass: MageOccupation: Verdant Magister

Background: Everyn Silverstone was born in the ancient elven city of Lyradell, nestled deep within the enchanted forests of Golis. From a young age, he exhibited a profound affinity for magic, often found communing with the spirits of the trees and practicing spells in secret glades. His natural talent earned him a place as an advisor and spellcaster in various courts, honing his skills and gaining a reputation for his wisdom and composure. His journey eventually led him to King Jaya's palace in Vresas, where he now serves as a Verdant Magister, responsible for teaching and guiding the next generation of elven mages. Despite the challenges, Everyn remains dedicated to preserving and passing on the rich heritage of elven magic.

Gabriel Gilmore

Age: 28Species: HumanClass: WizardOccupation: It's a mystery, darling.

Background: By the whispers of the forsaken night,
And shadows cast by the moon's pale light,
I call upon the darkness deep,
To awaken powers from their sleep.
Blood of ancients, black as coal,
Bind thy strength unto my soul.
From the abyss where phantoms dwell, Unleash the secrets never to tell. Eldritch spirits, hear my plea,
Grant me power, make it be.
By the bones of the earth and the tears of the sky,
Let this magic now comply. In darkness and flame, I weave this spell,
To summon forces from where shadows dwell.
By the might of night and cursed domain,
I command the arcane, in shadow’s name.

Felis Idad

Age: 27Species: TieflingClass: BardOccupation: Nomadic Journalist/Storyteller

Background: She wanders the world in search of stories that stir the soul. Born under a wandering star, she grew up in a nomadic tribe, learning the art of storytelling and music from her elders. Her flute, adorned with intricate carvings of gold, is both her companion and her tool to capture the essence of her adventures. With a mischievous smile and a heart full of wanderlust, Felis weaves tales of heroism, tragedy, and love, transforming them into hauntingly beautiful songs. Her performances are legendary, captivating audiences with her melodic voice and the enchanting power of her music. Driven by an insatiable curiosity, Felis roams from town to town, always in search of the next great story to immortalize in her melodies!


Age: UnknownSpecies: Elven VampireClass: RogueOccupation: None

Background: Nill with no memory of his past before becoming a vampire, was once a loyal enforcer of the tyrannical vampire Lord Draven, who grew disillusioned with the oppressive regime. Fueled by a desire for freedom and a deep-seated aversion to Draken's brutal methods, Nill orchestrated a daring escape from his master's clutches. Now a rogue vampire, Nill navigates the shadows of Sleveran, driven by a brooding resolve to dismantle Draken's reign while grappling with his own dark nature and the relentless pursuit of his former allies.